2023 Company Assessment
Tourmaline Oil Corp
Company Information
Oil & Gas/Energy
Year Added To Focus List
Yes, meets all criteria
No, does not meet any criteria
Partial, meets some criteria
Not Applicable
Not Currently Assessed
Sub-indicator 5.2 was omitted from the assessment this year as the Canadian Transition Taxonomy has not yet been published and is required to assess this indicator.
Disclosure Framework
The disclosure framework evaluates corporate disclosure in relation to key actions companies can take to align their businesses with the Climate Engagement Canada and Paris Agreement goals. The framework reflects publicly disclosed information as of June 1st, 2023.
In the case of electricity utility companies, the relevant year of long-term alignment is 2040. This is equivalent to IPCC Special Report on 1.5° Celsius pathway P1 or net zero emissions by 2050.
This is equivalent to IPCC Special Report on 1.5° Celsius pathway P1 or net zero emissions by 2050.
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After publication and the company review period deadline, CEC makes no updates to company scores nor incorporates new information into the Benchmark assessments. However, CEC Benchmark data may be edited when a specific technical error is found. These edits only address specific technical errors and do not constitute new, out-of-cycle feedback. By accessing these assessments, you agree to be bound by the data usage terms and conditions. In case of any discrepancy between the information displayed on this website and the corresponding downloadable assessment results, users should refer to the most recent version of the downloadable document. Please refer to the Version Log located on the final tab of the document and version number located on the Overview tab. CEC’s full operational disclaimer can be found here.