The Business Case
Climate Engagement Canada (CEC) is a finance-led initiative that drives dialogue between the financial community and corporate issuers to help Canadian public companies successfully transition to a net zero economy—to the benefit of investors, companies, employees and consumers.
Key Benefits
Climate Engagements for Investors: Join other investors in engaging constructively with corporate issuers exposed to climate risk to seize the tremendous opportunities of Canada’s transitioning economy.
Dedicated Research & Engagement Support: While engagement to address climate risk is an important part of an investor’s stewardship activities, its full impact is unrealized because it is resource intensive. CEC offers dedicated research and engagement support services via its professional Joint Secretariat.
Data Reliability and Consistency: CEC has centralized its benchmarking and research via an expert Secretariat, to ensure that engagement resources are credible and consistent, and that benchmarking is systematic and comparable.