
A CEC Participant is a financial sector organization or network that signs on to actively participate in Climate Engagement Canada. CEC Founding Participants are CEC Participants who signed on to CEC on or before the official launch date of October 14, 2021. Supporters are defined as organizations that support the aims and objectives of CEC and make voluntary monetary and/or in-kind contributions. International Supporters are defined as organizations that support the aims and objectives of CEC and are headquartered outside Canada. Research contributors bring additional capacity to CEC and CEC engagements in the areas of climate risk assessment, climate engagement, carbon measurement, and other expertise with a particular emphasis on the companies on the CEC Focus List. Education contributors offer additional outreach and educational capacity to CEC and represent organizations with known and recognized expertise in education and knowledge mobilization in the areas of climate risk and the transition to a low carbon economy, among others.
* The CEC Steering Committee will approve every organization under each above-described category with a formal Letter of Agreement detailing the terms and conditions for every category.
Trillions In Assets
~$ 0 +


Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant


Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

International Supporter


Founding Participant

Founding Participant



Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant



Founding Participant


Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant


Founding Participant

Founding Participant

International Supporter

International Supporter

Founding Participant

International Supporter


Founding Participant

Founding Participant


Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant


International Supporter

Founding Participant

Founding Participant

Founding Participant


Research and Education Contributors

Founding Organizations

– in alphabetical order –

Addenda Capital Inc.

Æquo Shareholder Engagement Services

AGF Management Limited

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo)

Aviva Investors


Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.

BMO Global Asset Management

 CAAT Pension Plan

California State Teachers’ Retirement System

Canada Life

CMA Impact Inc.

CIBC Asset Management

Clear Skies Investment Management Inc.

CN Investment Division

Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group

Desjardins Global Asset Management

Fiera Capital Corporation

Genus Capital Management Inc.

Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)

iA Financial Group

Intact Investment Management Inc.

Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)

Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited Global Investment Management

Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.

Mackenzie Investments

Manulife Investment Management

Montrusco Bolton Investment Inc.

National Bank Investments

NEI Investments

New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (NYSTRS)

Nordea Asset Management

Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)

Pictet Asset Management

Public Sector Pension Investment Board

RBC Global Asset Management

Régime de retraite d’Hydro-Québec

Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University



SLC Fixed Income

TD Asset Management Inc.

The Canada Post Corporation Pension Plan

The United Church of Canada

United Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF)

University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation (UTAM)

University Pension Plan (UPP)

Vancity Investment Management Ltd.

Interested in Joining?
Download the CEC Participant Prospectus

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email *
Title *
Organization *
Country *
Participant Type *

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