Finance Leaders Driving Canada’s Business Transition To Net Zero

Our Mission

Climate Engagement Canada is a finance-led initiative that drives dialogue between finance and industry to promote a just transition to a net zero economy.

Trillions In Assets
~$ 0 +

Investor Networks

The Climate Engagement Canada initiative is coordinated by four investor networks.

Latest News & Insights

CEC Mid-Year Progress Report

CEC Public Policy Engagement Alignment Assessment

CEC Net Zero Benchmark Company Assessments

Manifest Climate and Quinn+Partners to conduct inaugural assessment of top Canadian emitters against Climate Engagement Canada’s Net Zero Benchmark

Climate Engagement Canada Launches Benchmark to Drive the Net Zero Transition Among Top Canadian Corporate Emitters

CEC Participants Discuss Engagement Best Practices at Investment Stewardship Event

CEC at COP27: The Role of Engagement in Driving Climate Action towards Net Zero

Letter from the Chair: A Year in Review

Webinar: Climate Engagement Canada (CEC) & the Investor’s Role in Decarbonizing Canada’s Economy

Financial community to engage 40 Canadian corporate issuers for alignment on Net-zero transition 

Financial community launches Climate Engagement Canada to promote a just transition to a net-zero economy

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